Friday, July 1, 2011

Intelligence Measurement

it sounds like a serious topic is it ? heee , okay act the point here is i want to tell you what is the intelligence means act. i heard lots of people outside there always talking bout intelligence recently , especially parenthood. anak i tak pandai , anak i yang tu je pandai bla bla bla. this is what we called typical malay. kenapa mesti nak compare with other people ? don't you think that it is just make them down or tense themselves ?

okay act , i don't feel easy when somebody told me that her mother keep comparing her with me , i mean bout this thingy lah. come on lah makcik , anak you ada her own potential lah. that's it.

and to her , like i told ya , just be yourself and you know yourself better right :)  so , just chill and keep it up. let them be , bilaa dia penat nnti dia stop lah tu teheee :D everyone ada kelebihan and kekurangan masing masing. for what you nak buang masa make yourself down kan ? your future in your own hands , its yours my dear. tak semestinya you ada title doctor , you'll be a successful person. and tak semestinya you takde title doctor , you cant be succeed. remember , God has well plan for us insyaallah :)

just cool bebeh , bwt mcm nii haaaa ;

HAHA , cool is it ? lol ;ppp

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